Tuesday, March 17, 2009


(thanks, Freddy!):

purplE k'niF:

Chris Butler - aquamarine drums
Ted Lawrence - blue guitar
Baker Rorick - red bass
John Teagle - orange guitar

"Holiday Inn Spain" video from The Beachland in Clevo:

PEEVE DE JOUR: Depression 2.0 - the worst BMI check in decades.

...plus the AIG bonuses. there was a commentator on NPR yesterday who went on and on about the sanctity of honoring the executive's contracts, and that to break 'em would set a bad precedent.

but contracts get broken all the time!

the recourse for the injured party is to sue, which would expose these execs as even BIGGER scumbags/tie them & their dough up in court for ages/further publicize their shameful antics since law suits are in the public record/wait out AIG's probable declaration of bankruptcy so there will be to entity left to collect from/etc.

the Obama administration should have done this before the bonuses were paid, instead of their post-payout hand-wringing that seems disingenuous.

JOIE DE JOUR: itchin' to test out my new Pro Tools remote control box so i can record drums in another room.





NOW PLAYING: L'Trimm/"Cars That Go Boom!" two DJ's did this last Saturday at the WFMU Marathon party. here's an excellent version = a mash-up with Gary Numan & Some Guys That Need Haircuts.

how did i miss this tune?? it's got that ear worm thing going, too. '88 no less...and their name ain't about designer jeans, knee-tha.

and The Lady Tigra is still out there:

cb...where are you?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

good stuff, cb. feel like i was there. i promise i'll get to one of these gigs in the future and thus avoid any ensuing "feel like i was there" lameness.

btw - whatever happened to the footage of cb and the cranks at the goldhawk? didn't you have someone film a gig there?


5:00 PM  
Blogger H. Harvey said...

k'niff kudos. Sounding great. I'll have to send a separate fan letter to Ted.

the Gary Numan/Beatles Renault piece is extra special.

Thanks for posting both

9:04 AM  
Blogger CBeezwax said...

Higgs -thanks. yes, there is the complete show...and man, it's a good'un. i need to learn how to extract it from the DVD, then fins a spot to post it. will do.

H. Harvey - thanks also. yes, we was hot/love The Goldhawk, too.

11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the deal with TVLAND using "boys like" in a promo for a new show called "The Cougar?" Will that put a boost in the next BMI check?

8:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DAMN!!!!! The L'Trimm/Gary Numan thing is the best everrrrrrrrrrrrr.

10:44 PM  
Blogger CBeezwax said...

RD - didn't know about that. thanks for the heads-up.

Risa - yeah...great clip dat goes BOOM!


12:15 PM  

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