Sunday, May 20, 2007


 i don't get out much. i'm completely dependent on those with better balanced work/fun ratios for my relaxtainment...and in AkroClevo the Ur source for said diversions is KS. he's collected a goodly number of hareems in various cultureartsportspolitics genres, and has been generous with sharing same.

...and tonight it was Roller Derby. whaaaa? ask? yes...a full-blown national resurgence of this low-brow sport, seized upon by empowered/empunked girlsgurlsgrrls from all walks (skates?) of life who organize teams & leagues, invent tuffgirlpersonaeschtick, practice hard and gleefully knock the shit out of each other for the sheer fun of it.

Coco Sparx & Roxie Monoxide

granted, i had to get past my "Boogie Nights"/Roller Girl fantasy...but once i did = big fun. i suppose i could go on about how uppityarty cities like NYC have amateur stripppppppping scenes, while working class urbs like Clevo have amateur rollerjammerwannabeesbecomingrealbees...but i'll leave that for the pop sociologists.

[ASIDE: well, I AM A POP SOCIOLOGIST, so I suppose I should comment.

A lot of referrals to my blog from Brewed Fresh Daily (click here to go to BFD), the best forum for economic and cultural issues in the NEO area. There is always much chatter there about how to revive Clevo, and I’m thinking that those who arguescheme to get jobsjobsjobs here might be overlooking another approach.

A la Richard Florida (yes, yes…I know, but let’s not get sidetracked by arguing re: him…okay?) START LISTENING TO YOUR ARTISTS. It’s project like the Burning River Roller Girls and the Double-Dutch Jump Rope Team that directly address Clevo’s real Numero Uno problem: it’s hangdoglosergloomnothing mindset. The last thing that anyone on the planet thinks of when (if?) they think of Clevo is FUN. Great housing stock/good grub/a rabid (but spreadout) hipstermusoarto subculture…all these are here already…and so are your losing sports teams, dead factories and grim vistas….and seemingly intractable socio-economic problems. Turn this place into Fun City/emphasize creativity and jobsjobsjobs will follow.

wtf...worth a shot.]

Ruby Rebel (Cleveland Steamers) & Coco Sparks (Hellbombers)

me?...i'm hooked! see ya June 30th for the next bout!

for more info:

NP: The Waitresses/"A Girl's Gotta Do"...which the DJ played at the game.

PEEVE DE JOUR: camera didn't work so well, so limited number of usable pix.

JOIE DE JOUR: had the Dun Giggen house cleaned by Rev. Rosemary Traub and family.


Chocolate Malted


Tin Roof

cb...where are you?



Anonymous Anonymous said...


Some of us are RD fans from way back. Some of us fondly remember the days of Georgia Hass.

Also, here is a link to some NYC local teams:


7:35 PM  
Blogger H. Harvey said...

But here;s the thing. since you wrote this, Akron has moved out of the lower third of shitty vities nationally. jobs or mean income isn't the point. Quality of life, i.e. safety and I guess when you look around, is it an Ok jernt to be indoineatinstandatnightin? We;; it ranks above Clevo and Columbus. Hmmm.
Guess you may have a point. Seems like having a baseball park in the middle of downtown is a good thing.

11:57 PM  

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